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#6581 Guest_WilieInefe_*

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Posted 13 November 2017 - 03:21 PM

chat room online dating Find me here!!! My name is Yaretzi Posted Image >>>>>>>>>> Click Here To Register And See More My Other Photos SEE PROFILE HERE - NICK Leah Posted Image >>>>>>>>>> Click Here To Register And See More My Other Photos Find me here!!! My name is Serenity Posted Image >>>>>>>>>> Click Here To Register And See More My Other Photos Faizon Love is getting off easy for his brutal beatdown of an airport valet ... as long as he's on his best behavior for a while. The comedian and actor pled no contest to misdemeanor assault, and got a suspended sentence of 180 days in the county jail -- meaning that WILL be his punishment if he gets in trouble again over the next 2 years. He was also fined $500. the "Couples Retreat" and "Elf" star absolutely manhandled the valet at Columbus International airport back in March.Kim Zolciak was joking when she said her daughter, Brielle, would trade oral sex -- in fewer words -- to meet John Legend, but if you didn't know it was a joke ... Kim says you can kick rocks. Kim hit up Legend's wife, Chrissy Teigen, Wednesday on Twitter about his upcoming Atlanta show. Naturally, several of their followers thought her joke went too far, or maybe she'd been hacked. But Kim tells us it was all in jest, and if you regularly follow her and Chrissy, you would know that's just their sense of humor. She added, "If you can't take a joke feel free to unfollow."Ezekiel Elliott has officially taken an L with his domestic violence appeal ... as the NFL upheld the RB's 6-game suspension Tuesday following an arbitration hearing at the league's NYC headquarters. NFL-appointed arbitrator, Harold HendersonСЏв•—в”ђ, handed down the verdict ... after hearing Elliott's case from a team led by Jeffrey Kessler -- the lawyer who's repped the NFLPA on several landmark appeals including DeflateGateСЏв•—в”ђ. Zeke also gave his side of the story while under oath ... according to NFL insider Ian Rapoport. The league suspended Elliott earlier this month after finding "substantial evidence" he engaged in physical violence against his then-girlfriend, Tiffany Thompson -- a claim the Cowboys superstar has adamantly denied. foreign affairs dating serviceadvice dating relationship teenout dating comdating korean mantuomo ruutu datingslumdog millionaire stars datingdating interratialsenior dating online co ukkevin rose sarah lane datingdating jokesten rules to dating my daughterirish adult datingadult singles dating new hampshire dating services des moinesjohnny depp datingfree denver dating adultfree african american christian dating9 9 9 9 dating free linefree online dating sites in germanyfree online married dating servicesshawn wayans datinglesbian pulp fiction andrea datingdating in pa shemaledatehookup datingarianeb dating simdating a finnishdating guernsey mobile phone dating sitesdating ladydomaine names for adult dating sitechristian dating only sitejapanese woman dating servicedating friends brotherdating at 45dating point.co.ukblack man online dating http://mmasidebet.co...ad.php?tid=3373 7xFx0EmdnNh1x6vmuTeBGu0AQhPzL75V5pvb7Kc1JQLkl1gD3ow

#6582 Guest_AffetleDede_*

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Posted 13 November 2017 - 03:26 PM

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#6583 Guest_WilieCow_*

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Posted 13 November 2017 - 03:29 PM

adult dating services Find me here!!! My name is Sara Posted Image >>>>>>>>>> Click Here To Register And See More My Other Photos SEE PROFILE HERE - NICK Abigail Posted Image > Find me here!!! My name is Maggie Posted Image :: MY CONTACT INFORMATION ON THE NEXT PAGE :: Bad news for Kareem Abdul-Jabbar ... the NBA legend has been ordered to pay more than $900k to a famous auction house for backing out of a deal to sell a bunch of his memorabilia ... Kareem had been at war with Julien's Auctions for years -- after a 2012 deal to sell 400 items went south. Kareem went to the auction house in 2014 and physically removed some of the items. Julien's sued Kareem -- claiming they also made a $300k donation to his foundation as part of the deal to sell the items -- but he refused to refund the money when he backed out of the sale."American Idol" has backed itself into a corner, because it might need to delay taping until it lands more judges ... but that doesn't work for the only judge it's got so far -- Katy Perry. Our 'Idol' sources tell us ... Thursday is the last stop for the show's tour bus auditions, and it's just weeks away from the planned taped auditions with the judges. Problem is -- producers are no closer to locking down stars to join Katy on the panel. So the dilemma is simple and serious -- if the show's forced to postpone filming, it will likely conflict with Perry's Witness tour schedule producers worked so hard to accommodate in the first place. Adding to the dilemma ... 'A.I.' still hasn't signed desired judge #2, Luke Bryan. We're told he wants more money, and the Disney perks he was offered instead of cash didn't cut it. 'Idol's' no closer to landing the 3rd judge."American Idol" is struggling to land judges to join Katy Perry because of budget limitations, but it still has a weapon on reserve to lure 'em in -- a partnership with Disney. Our 'A.I.' sources tell us ... the show's talent budget has a $40 million cap, which has been depleted by signing Perry for $25 mil and Ryan Seacrest for just over $10 mil. So, producers are having to get creative and sweeten the deal by offering celebs Disney perks that will turn into a big payday. We're told the perks include production deals, licensing and merchandising deals for Disney properties ... and also theme park partnerships. For example, Disney's Hollywood Studios features the Rock 'n' Roller Coaster Starring Aerosmith ... but can always add more names. dating game mp3 songdating uk womanbjorlin datingblack dating in site torontoonline dating advice wondir.free lds dating onlinechristian dating menworlds best dating sitefree adult internet datingengineering dating widow dating sitedating deurnelarge size dating siteaffiliate dating free programdating duluth free in singledating general questionwinona ryder datingfunny internet datingbig dating free handsome man sitemexicans datingboston dating herpes dating sites 2008dating a white guyrpg dating gamechili dating usherdating filipina marriagesaf internet datingchris nunez datingasian faces dating sitehungarian woman datingfree joomla dating templates http://www.wingdesig...lieorito211878/ 7xFx0EmdnNh1x6vmuTeBGu0AQhPzL75V5pvb7Kc1JQLkl1gD3ow

#6584 Guest_WilieGrala_*

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Posted 13 November 2017 - 03:36 PM

instant chat dating site Find me here!!! My name is Selena Posted Image >>>>>>>>>> Click Here To Register And See More My Other Photos Find me here!!! My name is Angelina Posted Image >>>>>>>>>> Click Here To Register And See More My Other Photos Find me here!!! My name is Kenzie Posted Image > You might remember ... Mari allegedly went nuts on an Uber driver in July after he refused to let her charge her cellphone. The driver claims Mari began to punch him and stole his charger -- forcing him to pull over. Prosecutors bought the driver's story and on Friday Mari was charged with battery and theft -- both misdemeanors. She was also hit with a vandalism charge but it's not clear where that came from. Mari faces possible jail time, where at least she won't have to worry about her phone's battery life.Diddy's baby mama looks ready to pop! Kim Porter was spotted last night looking like she had a giant beach ball stashed under her sweater as she made her way out of Nello's restaurant in New York. She's not full of their lobster ravioli either... she's carrying twin girls! While she's due mid-December, her "Bad Boy for Life" was nowhere to be seen -- he's shooting the "A Raisin in the Sun" TV remake in Toronto, in which he'll play the Sidney Poitier role.Floyd Mayweather Sr. has his son's back in his beef with Justin Bieber -- saying the pop star unfairly kicked Floyd to the curb just because he found God. As we previously reported, Floyd Jr. is furious with his former friend -- who's been distancing himself after some counseling from his church. Bieber even decided to unfollow Floyd on Instagram as part of a bigger plan to back away from people who don't share the same Christian values. Enter Floyd Sr. ... who says he doesn't really know if the two will ever be able to bury the hatchet. He also said Justin needs to be true to himself -- but just because he's a godly man now doesn't mean Floyd has to change. The message is essentially ... Floyd's still the same guy who had your back in the past -- you shouldn't push him away now. But will Bieber get an invite to the Mayweather vs. McGregor after-party?The NFL isn't giving up in the fight to punish Ezekiel Elliott -- the league has just filed court docs to appeal the preliminary injunction that had been awarded to the Dallas Cowboys running back last week. The point of filing the appeal ... the league wants to enforce the 6-game suspension as soon as possible, ideally this season -- and the appeal is the best way to try and get that result. So, what's next? The NFL will file more papers detailing why they think the judge who handed out the preliminary injunction got it wrong. Elliott will then respond to those arguments. Eventually, a 3 judge panel will likely hear the appeal. The panel could reverse the decision which would give the NFL the power to enforce the suspension ASAP. free dating online websitesdating latin site usa womandating online englandpet lover datingdating for sexdating sim free downloadsex dating web sitescarlett johansen datingkorean canadian datingtwo friends datingteen dating violence 2009adult dating sydneybest online dating headlinedating rejection hotline 100 free ts datingsexy devils dating sexy sexinthecity.sexy-devils.co.ukrules on christian datinginternet dating service industryadult dating services west coastdeaf dating ukeight simple rules for dating my teenage daughterdating mandy moore shane westdating lesbian teenserious singles datingdating sites in seattle online single dating servicedating in forney texas94 dating model winchesterinternet dating infobest dating simulatordating as an adultjordan pruitt dating nickbridget fonda datingmillionare + datingtransguy datinginterracial personal dating sitesct dating diemkids dating chat roomdivorced women datingdating online teen young http://www.ssojungha...php?f=2&t=50550 7xFx0EmdnNh1x6vmuTeBGu0AQhPzL75V5pvb7Kc1JQLkl1gD3ow

#6585 Guest_WilieCow_*

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Posted 13 November 2017 - 03:36 PM

deschanel dating Find me here!!! My name is Briella Posted Image >>>>>>>>>> Click Here To Register And See More My Other Photos SEE PROFILE HERE - NICK Mariah Posted Image > - Register and chat with the girls now - > SEE PROFILE HERE - NICK Aria Posted Image > Kareem Abdul-Jabbar tells TMZ Sports it's "hard to say" if Colin Kaepernick is being blackballed by the NFL ... and says we'll just have to "wait and see" if he gets hired before the 2017 season. Kareem has been outspoken about the Kaepernick situation in the past -- he even wrote an article about Kaep's protests in The Washington Post. But he's not ready to declare the NFL anti-Kaep yet ... and when we saw him at the Joe Torre Safe at Home event in L.A., the NBA legend said we'd have to speak with someone "in management" to get a better idea. Well, we did that ... we talked to Denver Broncos exec John Elway who shot down the idea that Kaepernick's protest has anything to do with his current state of unemployment.Taylor Swift's new music video wasn't the only thing worth looking at during last night's MTV Video Music Awards ... check out what was going down backstage. Rappers were hanging out with pop stars ... Katy Perry was doing crazy costume changes and Ellen was posing for pics with EVERYBODY! The award show itself didn't have any angry Kanye interruptions or Britney Spears dancing with a snake -- but there was still plenty of action behind the scenes at the moon man ceremony.Reps in the gym can make you healthy, but so can good food and champagne, according to Diddy's ex, Kim Porter, who says he's the picture of health. Diddy suffered some dad bod shaming when pics of him on a yacht surfaced last week, but his ex is flipping a switch saying the haters got the images all twisted -- they just don't recognize the good life when they see it. Kim, who has 3 kids with Diddy, also says this particular dad's outgrown the need for a 6-pack to impress chicks. He's got $820 mil, after all. local nude dating candor ncdating story teenrumer willis datingcity dating in new speed yorkrochester free bisexual dating serviceslooking for adult dating services information guideearly internet dating advertisers pioneerslouis comcast dating videoalternative dating free site web 20co-brand dating sitesex dating sitelinda perry dating17 20 dating old old year yearasian single dating web sites free compatability and datingadult dating services ukdating in columbus ohadvise on datingwomen men datinglive web cam video chat adult dating roomonline free dating site in usany dating just not presonals presonals service well yahoo yahoocompatible datingbleach dating gamegretchen bonaduce datingdating violence/abuse define radiometric datingkazinsky datingdating scene-josephdating culture in americasessilee lopez datinggerman men datingdating in arizona http://forum.kotatsu...tid=1929&extra= 7xFx0EmdnNh1x6vmuTeBGu0AQhPzL75V5pvb7Kc1JQLkl1gD3ow

#6586 Guest_WilieCow_*

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Posted 13 November 2017 - 03:39 PM

gamers dating SEE PROFILE HERE - NICK Chloe Posted Image > Find me here!!! My name is Josephine Posted Image > - Register and chat with the girls now - > Find me here!!! My name is Paislee Posted Image :: MY CONTACT INFORMATION ON THE NEXT PAGE :: Kanye West shunned high fashion Friday by chillin' with some friends at a movie theater. Kanye and crew were in Agoura, just outside L.A., and he seemed more than happy he was MIA at NYC's Fashion Week. His wife, on the other hand, sported the highest of fashion. Kim Kardashian hit the town Friday night wearing sheer black pantyhose with a bandeau top ... and she looks amazing. There were reports Kanye cancelled his fashion show at the last minute, but we know he never even committed to a show.This is a cool shot ... Kareem Abdul-Jabbar personally greeting LeBron James as he jogged through the tunnel after Thursday night's playoff blowout ... and LeBron was all smiles. KAJ was on hand at Quicken Loans Arena as the Cavs stomped all over the Raptors to take Game 2 over the Eastern Conference Finals. He's clearly a fan of the team. It's even more interesting considering the Cavs have won 10 straight playoff games -- 1 game shy of passing Kareem's '88-'89 Lakers, which won 11. Bottom line -- ya gotta watch this clip, it's a pretty special moment between two NBA legends.Kevin Hart was keeping a secret Friday in Atlanta when he told our photog he has no desire to hit up the city's world-famous strip clubs, 'cause he's a happily married man. Kevin spoke to our photog hours before he issued an apology to his pregnant wife and kids for getting in a sticky situation. TMZ broke the story on Sunday, the "situation" was an extortion plot in which someone was demanding as much as 8 figures to keep a sexually explicit video under wraps. As we reported, the video starts with a pic of Kevin snuggling with a woman, and then it cuts to a bedroom where you see a bed and hear what appears to be people having sex, although you don't see the people. The video then cuts again to a naked man walking in the bedroom who definitely looks like Kevin. The FBI is on the case.Kevin Hart is getting out in front of a messy situation by apologizing publicly to his wife and kids, and TMZ has learned it's all over a video that looks like he's cheating. Kevin profusely apologized to his pregnant wife, Eniko Parrish, and his kids on Instagram Saturday ... saying he recently made some mistakes he deeply regrets. Sources tell TMZ a woman has allegedly demanded money from Kevin after shooting a video with him in which Kevin and the woman are engaged in "sexually suggestive" conduct. We are told it is NOT a sex tape, but looks like it is a prelude to sex. We're told that at a point in the tape when the action is the heaviest, you cannot actually see Kevin. A rep for Kevin tells us ... "Someone tried to set Kevin up in a failed extortion attempt. As law enforcement is involved, we cannot comment further as it could affect the investigation."Ezekiel Elliott has officially taken an L with his domestic violence appeal ... as the NFL upheld the RB's 6-game suspension Tuesday following an arbitration hearing at the league's NYC headquarters. NFL-appointed arbitrator, Harold HendersonСЏв•—в”ђ, handed down the verdict ... after hearing Elliott's case from a team led by Jeffrey Kessler -- the lawyer who's repped the NFLPA on several landmark appeals including DeflateGateСЏв•—в”ђ. Zeke also gave his side of the story while under oath ... according to NFL insider Ian Rapoport. The league suspended Elliott earlier this month after finding "substantial evidence" he engaged in physical violence against his then-girlfriend, Tiffany Thompson -- a claim the Cowboys superstar has adamantly denied. adult dating phoenix site webover the phone datingchristian dating serviiceswho is seth binzer datingivory ebony datingafrican datingdating interracial mzm0nzo1oje5 track url ww2.eatmyblackmeat.combold bold dater dating guide less thanbbc dating stands fordating girls videosdating latin women in danielle harris datingrecovery singles datinglooking for black christian dating sitesdating sites for bald meninterracial dating torontodating a single mom tipsfree online dating service yahoo personals internet on linedating service south africarobert pattionson datingherpes dating south jerseyasian matchmakers dating servicedating online plentyoffishverdasco and ivanovic dating dating portland servicesdating fairbiz.biz free online personal servicedating defintiondating en flevoland language language nl nl siteonline dating cupidagency dating ukraine100 gay datingideas for dating anniversarydating game downloads http://5711020660072...hp?f=2&t=206847 7xFx0EmdnNh1x6vmuTeBGu0AQhPzL75V5pvb7Kc1JQLkl1gD3ow

#6587 Guest_WilieInefe_*

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Posted 13 November 2017 - 03:43 PM

dating game girl Find me here!!! My name is Evangeline Posted Image > - Register and chat with the girls now - > SEE PROFILE HERE - NICK Nadia Posted Image :: MY CONTACT INFORMATION ON THE NEXT PAGE :: Find me here!!! My name is Nadia Posted Image > Everyone's a comedian ... even Kareem Abdul-Jabbar! The Lakers legend was one of the speakers at Shaq's big Lakers statue unveiling at Staples Center on Friday ... and made a reference to the fact Kobe Bryant was on hand for the event! "Some people thought the odds of Kobe Bryant showing up today were the same as Shaq sinking a free throw." The ceremony was great. The statue looks awesome.Justin Bieber is either nuts about pressed juice or just one happy-go-lucky kinda baller after dinner. We got the Biebs grinning ear-to-ear leaving Il Pastaio Tuesday night in Bev Hills ... and we gotta ask, what triggered such a huge laugh? Here's what we do know -- his swollen balls triggered a lawsuit back in May after "an immoral employee" sued the hospital where Justin checked into for what turned out to be a swollen testicle. Someone cue Jerry Lee Lewis' "Great Balls of Fire."Daniel Cormier says there's still a ZERO percent chance he ever becomes friends with Jon Jones ... but is actually pleading with people to take it easy on his UFC rival. D.C. joined the guys on the "TMZ Sports" TV show on FS1 to talk about the backlash Jones has been getting after his failed UFC 214 drug test ... and while he doesn't ever wanna be buds, Cormier says the critics need to look at the bigger picture. "When people are at their complete lowest, you gotta be careful with kicking them, because that's when stuff goes much bigger than sport," Cormier says. "This dude has a family to worry about, and I mean ... God, man. What if this guy goes off the deep end? And then he's not there in the most important situations in life."The "American Idol" reboot seems to be in crisis -- honchos still haven't locked down a second, third and possibly fourth judge, with only 6 weeks until cameras roll. Our 'Idol' sources tell us ... none of the previous front-runners -- Lionel Richie, Charlie Puth, Luke Bryan or Keith Urban -- are any closer to signing than they were a few weeks ago. We're told record producer Nile Rodgers has now been tossed in the mix. The issue with Lionel, we're told, is his team's asking around $10 mil ... double what they want to pay. 'A.I.' producers are also still debating whether to go with 3 or 4 judges. At this point it all comes down to money, but it sounds like they'd like 4.Floyd Mayweather says Justin Bieber turning traitor on him is the last thing on his mind on the eve of THE fight ... but he's still throwing jabs at his former BFF. Floyd sat down with 'Hollywood Unlocked' and talked about the video TMZ posted of Justin -- saying he didn't think Floyd would KO Conor McGregor. The champ tried like hell to keep it above belt, but his disdain came spilling out when he dismissed Bieber as a "pop star." As we reported, Floyd was screaming mad about JB's words and his IG unfollowing. He might cool down eventually. But not yet.Diddy's twin daughters were surrounded by drugs and even covered in a mysterious white powder ... this according to a new lawsuit filed against the baby mama Nanny Dawn Drago says she worked for Diddy's ex, Kim Porter, from 2011 to 2012. Drago claims in the lawsuit -- obtained by TMZ -- Porter chain-smoked pot in the house while the young girls were home. But Drago claims marijuana was not Kim's only drug of choice. She alleges she found cocaine as well, and on one occasion she says she was driving the kids to school and noticed they were covered "in a white powdery substance." Drago claims the kids had gotten into "a bag containing the powder, along with clear capsules, filled with another powdery substance in a bag in the back seat." Drago says she confronted Porter, who said the bag contained "medicine."Justin Bieber has a couple of balls in the air ... his manager is being courted into politics, and a longtime buddy is now an enemy. We got Justin leaving church Wednesday and he was mum about our story ... that Scooter Braun is being lobbied by some Cali Democrats to make a run for Governor. Everyone also wanted to know about a story we broke ... that Floyd Mayweather is incensed that Bieber unfollowed him on Instagram because of some unsavory pics of strippers and such. phone dating websitesbonta datingstuttering datingjennifer ellison datingbbw phone personals datingpagadian datingdating european womenfind online datingjoe jonas dating anyonelocal teen dating servicelesbian online dating in tacomadating en language language nederland nl nl sitedating for perents the rules women datingseungri datinglouis coupland pickup internet datingryan adams datingdating man married serviceastig ng datingseniors dating freshmandating site in hollandlie about age on dating websitesrediff datinggay black dating sitedating protocol video dating net claudia26kitchener adult personal dating freematch maker dating servicedating services calgary, albertafree fucking video dating sitesdating kid pal penplay virtual datingcinese datingblonde women dating http://forum.cacaowe...ld/#comment-212 7xFx0EmdnNh1x6vmuTeBGu0AQhPzL75V5pvb7Kc1JQLkl1gD3ow

#6588 Guest_PletnewTUP_*

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Posted 13 November 2017 - 03:46 PM

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#6589 Guest_Wiliegit_*

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Posted 13 November 2017 - 03:57 PM

vancouver british columbia dating free SEE PROFILE HERE - NICK Catherine Posted Image >>>>>>>>>> Click Here To Register And See More My Other Photos SEE PROFILE HERE - NICK Layla Posted Image > Find me here!!! My name is Juliette Posted Image > You might remember ... Mari allegedly went nuts on an Uber driver in July after he refused to let her charge her cellphone. The driver claims Mari began to punch him and stole his charger -- forcing him to pull over. Prosecutors bought the driver's story and on Friday Mari was charged with battery and theft -- both misdemeanors. She was also hit with a vandalism charge but it's not clear where that came from. Mari faces possible jail time, where at least she won't have to worry about her phone's battery life.Katy Perry didn't need an Uber to get to Saturday night's Ed Sheeran concert in L.A. ... she got a lift from ex-BF Orlando Bloom. Looks like the break is over for the ex-couple who attended Sheeran's concert at the Staples Center ... the first time they've been spotted out since calling it quits in March after a year of dating. Katy said the breakup was amicable and she's been linked to other guys, namely Rob Pattinson with whom she had dinner with last week.One of Kim Zolciak's sons is in the hospital recovering from an operation after he was bitten by a dog this weekend. Kim posted a pic Sunday of 4-year-old Kash Kade Biermann in a hospital bed, with a pretty gnarly description. Apparently, he's been there since Saturday night after he was bitten by a dog ... which sent him to the operating room. In the post, Kim says Kash suffered "traumatic injuries" and the operation lasted a couple hours. The whole family seems to be there by his side. Kim noted she'd be missing her guest spot on Andy Cohen's show Sunday night.Kim Zolciak just shared an up close and personal post-surgery photo of her son's injured face after he was gnarled by a dog ... and the attack left several marks. Kim posted a pic Tuesday of 4-year-old Kash Biermann, with a long caption thanking fans who sent prayers during the ordeal. She says ... "Kash has healed up incredibly and has perfect vision in his left eye. Stitches on his water line, and his eyeball was never touched! God is Good!" Kim also thanked the doctors who operated on her son. As we reported ... Kash had to undergo surgery after he was bitten in the face. At the time, Kim cited his injuries as "traumatic." She's never said anything more about the attack or whose dog was behind it.Dana White says he REALLY hopes Jon Jones' positive drug test is a mistake and he'll be exonerated by the B sample ... but he says that's "highly unlikely." White appeared on the "TMZ Sports" TV show (airs weeknights on FS1) and said he still hasn't personally spoken with Jones since he learned the UFC superstar tested positive for steroids. White said he was disappointed in Jones -- since the guy is so insanely gifted, he doesn't need banned substances to dominate in the UFC. "He doesn't need it!!!! He doesn't need to do that! He's that talented and that gifted that he doesn't need drugs."It was Terrell Owens, Tim Tebow ... and now, Ezekiel Elliott is the "ratings baby" the media is glomming on to ... so says Michael Irvin. You know what he's talking about -- when a story becomes such a big deal, news outlets will streeeeetch in a shameless way for an angle involving the media topic everyone cares about. This time, Irvin says, the media knows Zeke's scandal is a magnet for viewers ... and he's seen some networks reach new lows trying to exploit the running back's issues for a ratings pop. Irvin says the whole thing is a sad situation and he's praying for everyone -- both Zeke and his accuser.The "American Idol" reboot seems to be in crisis -- honchos still haven't locked down a second, third and possibly fourth judge, with only 6 weeks until cameras roll. Our 'Idol' sources tell us ... none of the previous front-runners -- Lionel Richie, Charlie Puth, Luke Bryan or Keith Urban -- are any closer to signing than they were a few weeks ago. We're told record producer Nile Rodgers has now been tossed in the mix. The issue with Lionel, we're told, is his team's asking around $10 mil ... double what they want to pay. 'A.I.' producers are also still debating whether to go with 3 or 4 judges. 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#6590 Guest_YapparovaTUP_*

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Posted 13 November 2017 - 04:10 PM

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#6591 Guest_WilieInefe_*

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Posted 13 November 2017 - 04:18 PM

internet dating newcastle Find me here!!! My name is Brianna Posted Image > - Register and chat with the girls now - > Find me here!!! My name is Gia Posted Image :: MY CONTACT INFORMATION ON THE NEXT PAGE :: Find me here!!! My name is Amy Posted Image :: MY CONTACT INFORMATION ON THE NEXT PAGE :: Taylor Swift is horning in on the life of Kylie Jenner in a big way ... the singer took up a bigger billboard than hers, right across the street. A new billboard featuring Taylor's mug promoting her new single, "Look What You Made Me Do," moved in across the street from a "Life of Kylie" billboard 50 feet away on the corner of Santa Monica Blvd. and La Cienega in WeHo. By the looks on their faces ... we'd say Taylor's got more to prove here -- and more turf to claim in this epic billboard face-off. Taylor isn't known to have beef with Kylie personally, but we all know she's not on good terms with Kim and Kanye ... and probably, by extension, the whole Kardashian clan.Eric Dickerson is convinced Ezekiel Elliott is innocent -- and says the NFL overstepped by punishing the Dallas Cowboys star after prosecutors declined to press charges in his domestic violence case. The NFL Hall of Famer didn't mince words at the Malibu Chili Cook-Off this weekend when talking about the situation to TMZ Sports -- "I think they shoulda stayed out of it. The NFL should have stayed out of it." Dickerson says if Zeke DID physically abuse his girlfriend, the punishment is still too harsh -- he feels a 3-game suspension would have been more appropriate. But the bigger issue ... Dickerson says he doesn't think Zeke committed a crime or did ANYTHING warranting a punishment.One of Kim Zolciak's sons is in the hospital recovering from an operation after he was bitten by a dog this weekend. Kim posted a pic Sunday of 4-year-old Kash Kade Biermann in a hospital bed, with a pretty gnarly description. Apparently, he's been there since Saturday night after he was bitten by a dog ... which sent him to the operating room. In the post, Kim says Kash suffered "traumatic injuries" and the operation lasted a couple hours. The whole family seems to be there by his side. Kim noted she'd be missing her guest spot on Andy Cohen's show Sunday night.Diddy's baby mama looks ready to pop! Kim Porter was spotted last night looking like she had a giant beach ball stashed under her sweater as she made her way out of Nello's restaurant in New York. She's not full of their lobster ravioli either... she's carrying twin girls! While she's due mid-December, her "Bad Boy for Life" was nowhere to be seen -- he's shooting the "A Raisin in the Sun" TV remake in Toronto, in which he'll play the Sidney Poitier role.Bad news for Kareem Abdul-Jabbar ... the NBA legend has been ordered to pay more than $900k to a famous auction house for backing out of a deal to sell a bunch of his memorabilia ... Kareem had been at war with Julien's Auctions for years -- after a 2012 deal to sell 400 items went south. Kareem went to the auction house in 2014 and physically removed some of the items. Julien's sued Kareem -- claiming they also made a $300k donation to his foundation as part of the deal to sell the items -- but he refused to refund the money when he backed out of the sale.Kim Zolciak raged out on Kenya Moore because she thought Kenya said something about her son, who was horribly injured by a dog bite -- and it took several cast members to hold her back. Multiple 'RHOA' production sources tell us Kim went all Mama Bear while they were shooting over the weekend at a home in Atlanta. We're told Kenya and Kim were throwing shade as soon as they saw each other -- but when things got personal, it got out of hand. Kim made comments about Kenya's new marriage being fake ... and Kenya fired back that Kim had pimped out her daughter to get John Legend tickets. Everyone we spoke to agrees to that much, but here's where it gets messy. We're told Kim thinks Kenya said the Legend tix were for "your injured son." Others in the house say they never heard Kenya say the son part. Doesn't matter ... Kim was convinced and lost it ... rushing at Kenya, knocking over and breaking glasses on the way. collarme dating site18 year old dating a 14 year oldtony aussie datingdating agency nameswho discovered radioactive dating100 free asian datingcomandments of datingerika dating kaunasdating flingamerica dating in muslim single womandating the married flash dating sim gamedating in crystal city mopisces man dating pisces womanhyderabad online datingfrench woman datingonline adult dating jewish singleis dating biblicalchild dating gay parentpeople like to call datingwho is jason lewis dating lesbain datingcheshire datingtony schiena datingreggie love datinghow did willard libby discover carbon datingon line dating agenciesfree adult networking datingadam brody datingjanelle casanave datingmistakes women make in datingfree trail datingthai online datingtom felton and emma watson dating http://sombre-etrein...hp?f=3&t=130375 7xFx0EmdnNh1x6vmuTeBGu0AQhPzL75V5pvb7Kc1JQLkl1gD3ow

#6592 Guest_LouisWrown_*

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Posted 13 November 2017 - 04:21 PM

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Posted 13 November 2017 - 04:26 PM

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#6595 Guest_WilieInefe_*

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Posted 13 November 2017 - 04:30 PM

on dating older guys SEE PROFILE HERE - NICK Hadley Posted Image :: MY CONTACT INFORMATION ON THE NEXT PAGE :: SEE PROFILE HERE - NICK Kaitlyn Posted Image >>>>>>>>>> Click Here To Register And See More My Other Photos Find me here!!! My name is Ana Posted Image :: MY CONTACT INFORMATION ON THE NEXT PAGE :: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar says parents like LaVar Ball are bad for college basketball -- because they're turning the NCAA into a "huckster show." KAJ was expressing his disdain for 1-and-done college players during an interview with 97.5 The Fanatic when he specifically went in on Lonzo Ball's father. "Everybody knows about his sons because he has been able to hype them. But I don't think that's good for college basketball." He continued, "College basketball is starting to look like a ... it doesn't look good. It looks like it's a huckster show. And that bothers me, you know. You have people going those lengths to promote their kids. I don't get it. "Justin Bieber's got reservations for 1 ... but at least he's in paradise. The Biebs is at The Montage Hotel in Laguna Beach where he decided a morning swim oughta do the trick to start the day. We're told Justin walked past everyone in the lobby and headed downstairs to the Pacific blue. As you can see ... Justin goes for a quick dip. We're told he was in for 5 minutes and then just sat on the sand and took in what is clearly an amazing landscape.He then hoofed it back to his hotel room, but not before stopping an elderly woman after spotting her dog and asking if it was a bichon.Diddy's baby mama has pissed off ANOTHER nanny ... who claims Kim Porter treated her like crap and stiffed her out of some serious dough ... and now the ex-help wants Diddy's company to foot the bill, TMZ has learned. Nanny #2 Amanda Jansen has filed a lawsuit in L.A. County Superior Court, claiming Porter hired her in 2011 to care for Diddy's children ... but her job quickly turned into that of a full-service round-the-clock housekeeper. In addition to caring for the kids, Jansen claims she worked well over 100 hours a week doing all sorts of chores -- without ever being given a proper break. Jansen -- who claims she was hired as live-in help -- also claims she was never given a room with a working lock ... had no furniture other than a bed and a computer desk ... and was forced to live out of a suitcase.Jon Jones is DONE as a competitive fighter. Finished ... this according to Skip Bayless, who says it absolutely breaks his heart. The FS1 star says he's gotten to know Jones through appearances on "Undisputed" -- and tells TMZ Sports news of JJ's positive steroids test crushed him. "How can that guy be either so stupid, or so flawed, and ultimately so shockingly insecure, that you have to resort to steroids or whatever the PED was -- or any kind of drug?" "He's just like a flawed human, but he's got so much potential. He's such a likable, nice guy." In his parting message to Jones, Skip offered some tough love.Charlamagne Tha God is not one to mince words ... he's rooting for Cardi B to topple Taylor Swift on the Billboard Hot 100, but he's also throwing major shade on Taylor Swift. We got the host of The Breakfast Club Saturday at LAX, and he seems to think Taylor may be in the danger zone 'cause she's stopped taking chances. He slams her with words like cliche, robotic and poppy. That said ... he knows that's exactly what lots of Taylor fans want.Justin Bieber is either nuts about pressed juice or just one happy-go-lucky kinda baller after dinner. We got the Biebs grinning ear-to-ear leaving Il Pastaio Tuesday night in Bev Hills ... and we gotta ask, what triggered such a huge laugh? Here's what we do know -- his swollen balls triggered a lawsuit back in May after "an immoral employee" sued the hospital where Justin checked into for what turned out to be a swollen testicle. Someone cue Jerry Lee Lewis' "Great Balls of Fire." bisexual married men datingdating scam nigeriaedmonton dating servicesdating kingdom personals photo uniteddating without drama reviewagency dating free irish application for datingchristian married datingakwaaba dating comtransgender dating freeteen chat dating sitesonlin datingcheap dating flight holiday inn lottery uklunch dating sitemobile dating indiadating other marriedadilt dating serviceswelcome to e dating services - free datingchat software for dating uk internet dating sitesbaptist dating online servicesghana dating scam picturesdating interracial womancanada dating free in sitecardiff dating agenciesbig beautiful woman online datingamerican online dating communitycommunity web dating affiliate websitedating techniques for womenalexis bledel dating matt czuchrysteve howey datingdating tourism http://www.exp-wog.c...ique-francaise/ 7xFx0EmdnNh1x6vmuTeBGu0AQhPzL75V5pvb7Kc1JQLkl1gD3ow

#6596 Guest_WilieWhart_*

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Posted 13 November 2017 - 04:31 PM

intiment dating service SEE PROFILE HERE - NICK Yaretzi Posted Image :: MY CONTACT INFORMATION ON THE NEXT PAGE :: SEE PROFILE HERE - NICK Kali Posted Image >>>>>>>>>> Click Here To Register And See More My Other Photos SEE PROFILE HERE - NICK Brynlee Posted Image >>>>>>>>>> Click Here To Register And See More My Other Photos LAPD rushed to the home of Diddy's kids in response to a death threat and gunfire call ... but it may just be a bad comeback for "swatting." Law enforcement sources tell us ... cops got a call early Thursday AM that a disturbing letter threatening to kill everybody in the house was left on the doorstep of baby mama Kim Porter's L.A. area home. Officers rushed to the scene, but no one was home ... nor was there a letter. Six minutes after cops left ... another call came in reporting multiple shots were fired, and the house was engulfed in flames. Police rushed back, but again ... nothing.Law enforcement sources tell us the incident went down Tuesday afternoon at John Glenn Columbus International Airport. The 48-year-old comedic actor allegedly got into a physical confrontation with a valet attendant over how much he was being charged. We're told the employee suffered minor injuries. Faizon was arrested for misdemeanor assault -- according to WCMH in Columbus -- and will remain in jail until his arraignment on Wednesday. We reached out to Faizon's camp ... so far no word back.This is the woman at the center of the Kevin Hart video that triggered a multi-million dollar extortion demand, and the extortionist freely admits money is the end game. The 4 minute and 47 second video is highly produced, with audio from Kevin on various radio shows as the video rolls. The video cuts to a bedroom scene where it appears 2 people are having sex on a bed. You can't see the people in the bed, but afterward you see a naked man walking in the room and it definitely looks like Kevin. "The real reason Kevin Hart orchestrated the Texas Hurricane Relief Fund, this so-called good deed was done to get ahead as he knew this damaging footage was one click away from being exposed as the liar and cheater he is. Kevin Hart was privy to me wanting to expose him as I have made countless attempts to expose this information to various blogs, in an attempt to also get paid." com free online dating service datinghouston asian datingfree online dating site no credit cardnaruto dating flash gamesafety datingadult dating sitessacramento dating christian women free dating older womendating straight talkphp dating websitedating game ideasinterracial dating los angelesphone chat line free trial datingnaruto dating sim walk throughdating in daytonstudent dating a teacherdatesensations.com dating matchmaker servicedavid deangelo double your dating pdfamerican best dating sitenikki reed dating dj garth brooks and trisha yearwood datingwoman dating man as old as her soni kissed dating goodbye synopsisdating people that were adopted and are depressedonline dating vancouverbeastilaty datingdating someone 3 years youngerboxers fighters dating training http://www.italianho...=215047.new#new 7xFx0EmdnNh1x6vmuTeBGu0AQhPzL75V5pvb7Kc1JQLkl1gD3ow

#6597 Guest_LouisWrown_*

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Posted 13 November 2017 - 04:33 PM

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#6598 Guest_WilieWhart_*

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Posted 13 November 2017 - 04:34 PM

how to win the dating game SEE PROFILE HERE - NICK Skye Posted Image > Find me here!!! My name is Valentina Posted Image :: MY CONTACT INFORMATION ON THE NEXT PAGE :: Find me here!!! My name is Raelynn Posted Image >>>>>>>>>> Click Here To Register And See More My Other Photos Kevin Hart's wife, Eniko, took her Dobie to the animal hospital Sunday night in L.A., in the wake of the sexually explicit video showing her husband in a provocative situation. Eniko hasn't been seen since Kevin posted a video apologizing to his pregnant wife and kids for getting himself in such a "situation." She's wearing her wedding ring ... in fact, in the photo she may be making a point of it. TMZ broke the story, Kevin says someone has tried extorting him for 7 figures over the video, which shows Kevin cozying up to a woman. The tape also shows a naked man in a bedroom who definitely looks like him.Taylor Swift is horning in on the life of Kylie Jenner in a big way ... the singer took up a bigger billboard than hers, right across the street. A new billboard featuring Taylor's mug promoting her new single, "Look What You Made Me Do," moved in across the street from a "Life of Kylie" billboard 50 feet away on the corner of Santa Monica Blvd. and La Cienega in WeHo. By the looks on their faces ... we'd say Taylor's got more to prove here -- and more turf to claim in this epic billboard face-off. Taylor isn't known to have beef with Kylie personally, but we all know she's not on good terms with Kim and Kanye ... and probably, by extension, the whole Kardashian clan.LAPD rushed to the home of Diddy's kids in response to a death threat and gunfire call ... but it may just be a bad comeback for "swatting." Law enforcement sources tell us ... cops got a call early Thursday AM that a disturbing letter threatening to kill everybody in the house was left on the doorstep of baby mama Kim Porter's L.A. area home. Officers rushed to the scene, but no one was home ... nor was there a letter. Six minutes after cops left ... another call came in reporting multiple shots were fired, and the house was engulfed in flames. Police rushed back, but again ... nothing.UFC superstar Jon Jones so badly wants to convince you he's not a steroid user, he just swore it on God and his kids. Jones just broke his silence about his B test from UFC 214 coming back positive for the banned anabolic steroid Turinabol ... a test that led to officials erasing his victory over Daniel Cormier. Jones went to Twitter to answer a fan who demanded the UFC star should "just tell the truth any why!!everybody will respect you more for it." Jones replied, "Dude the truth is I would never do steroids, I put that on my children and I put that on my Heavenly Father."Kim Zolciak got her wish -- her whole family went to a John Legend show and even got to meet him ... and her daughter didn't have to put out. You may recall ... Kim joked with John's wife Chrissy Teigen earlier this month that her daughter Brielle would trade oral sex for VIP access. Some of her followers got upset -- but Kim told us it was an innocent JK. Kim and Chrissy clearly don't give a rat's ass what anyone thinks. Also, the joke worked ... Kim's son Kash -- who's a huge Legend fan and is recovering from an operation -- got to meet the musician with the whole fam. Brielle was also down with it ... you'll excuse the expression.Diddy's baby mama looks ready to pop! Kim Porter was spotted last night looking like she had a giant beach ball stashed under her sweater as she made her way out of Nello's restaurant in New York. She's not full of their lobster ravioli either... she's carrying twin girls! While she's due mid-December, her "Bad Boy for Life" was nowhere to be seen -- he's shooting the "A Raisin in the Sun" TV remake in Toronto, in which he'll play the Sidney Poitier role. older men datingonline dating tips first emaildating sites russian womenhasidic datingdating introduction woman difference betweenbulgarian dating serviceukraine dating servicesdating man siteestonian women datingwho is zac datingjames phelps datingmacaulay culkin datingalison mack datingkrsna datingplay naruto sim dating black christian dating singlechristian dating londonrupert everett datinghot sexy mature good looking women looking for datingpoints why internet dating baddating into a relationshipdaniel johns datinglist of online dating scammers http://shareandcare-...963#post4726963 7xFx0EmdnNh1x6vmuTeBGu0AQhPzL75V5pvb7Kc1JQLkl1gD3ow

#6599 Guest_WilieWhart_*

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Posted 13 November 2017 - 04:39 PM

13 year old dating sites SEE PROFILE HERE - NICK Katelyn Posted Image >>>>>>>>>> Click Here To Register And See More My Other Photos SEE PROFILE HERE - NICK Aliyah Posted Image >>>>>>>>>> Click Here To Register And See More My Other Photos Find me here!!! My name is Harmony Posted Image >>>>>>>>>> Click Here To Register And See More My Other Photos Kanye West has reached out to Jay-Z to bury the hatchet in their latest feud ... Sources familiar with the situation tell us, Kanye asked for a face-to-face with Jay, to hash out the beef that was ignited when Kanye went onstage last Fall and went after Jay, Beyonce and even Blue Ivy. Jay said he paid no mind to Kanye targeting him, but going after his family crossed the line. And Jay called Kanye out in the song "Kill Jay Z." Kanye's people feel Jay should cut him some slack because Kanye wasn't in his right mind ... Kanye went on the rant shortly before his hospitalization. It's interesting ... TMZ broke the story Kanye and Jay are embroiled in a financial dispute over Yeezy's Tidal deal and millions are in contention. Yet we're told money is not the source of conflict between the 2 men. They both have plenty. It's all about their relationship.Floyd Mayweather Sr. has his son's back in his beef with Justin Bieber -- saying the pop star unfairly kicked Floyd to the curb just because he found God. As we previously reported, Floyd Jr. is furious with his former friend -- who's been distancing himself after some counseling from his church. Bieber even decided to unfollow Floyd on Instagram as part of a bigger plan to back away from people who don't share the same Christian values. Enter Floyd Sr. ... who says he doesn't really know if the two will ever be able to bury the hatchet. He also said Justin needs to be true to himself -- but just because he's a godly man now doesn't mean Floyd has to change. The message is essentially ... Floyd's still the same guy who had your back in the past -- you shouldn't push him away now. But will Bieber get an invite to the Mayweather vs. McGregor after-party?Daniel Cormier has been reinstated as the UFC's Light Heavyweight Champion after his loss to Jon Jones at UFC 214 was officially changed to a "no contest" in the wake of JJ's positive steroid test. TMZ Sports broke the story ... Jones was flagged for Turinabol -- a banned anabolic steroid. The results from Jones' B sample were made public Tuesday -- confirming the bad news for Jones. As a result, the California State Athletic Commission overturned Jones' victory and now has it ruled as a "no contest." Cormier appeared on "UFC Tonight" and said he's already been contacted by Dana White ... who informed him that the belt will be returned to him.Kevin Hart was keeping a secret Friday in Atlanta when he told our photog he has no desire to hit up the city's world-famous strip clubs, 'cause he's a happily married man. Kevin spoke to our photog hours before he issued an apology to his pregnant wife and kids for getting in a sticky situation. TMZ broke the story on Sunday, the "situation" was an extortion plot in which someone was demanding as much as 8 figures to keep a sexually explicit video under wraps. As we reported, the video starts with a pic of Kevin snuggling with a woman, and then it cuts to a bedroom where you see a bed and hear what appears to be people having sex, although you don't see the people. The video then cuts again to a naked man walking in the bedroom who definitely looks like Kevin. The FBI is on the case.Eric Dickerson is convinced Ezekiel Elliott is innocent -- and says the NFL overstepped by punishing the Dallas Cowboys star after prosecutors declined to press charges in his domestic violence case. The NFL Hall of Famer didn't mince words at the Malibu Chili Cook-Off this weekend when talking about the situation to TMZ Sports -- "I think they shoulda stayed out of it. The NFL should have stayed out of it." Dickerson says if Zeke DID physically abuse his girlfriend, the punishment is still too harsh -- he feels a 3-game suspension would have been more appropriate. But the bigger issue ... Dickerson says he doesn't think Zeke committed a crime or did ANYTHING warranting a punishment.Diddy's twin daughters were surrounded by drugs and even covered in a mysterious white powder ... this according to a new lawsuit filed against the baby mama Nanny Dawn Drago says she worked for Diddy's ex, Kim Porter, from 2011 to 2012. Drago claims in the lawsuit -- obtained by TMZ -- Porter chain-smoked pot in the house while the young girls were home. But Drago claims marijuana was not Kim's only drug of choice. She alleges she found cocaine as well, and on one occasion she says she was driving the kids to school and noticed they were covered "in a white powdery substance." Drago claims the kids had gotten into "a bag containing the powder, along with clear capsules, filled with another powdery substance in a bag in the back seat." Drago says she confronted Porter, who said the bag contained "medicine."Handle business. Keep your nose outta trouble. Stay the hell away from sketchy situations. These are all different ways of saying Ezekiel ElliottСЏв•—в”ђ's gotta man up to move past his domestic violence saga -- courtesy of Eddie GeorgeСЏв•—в”ђ. We got Eddie at LAX ... and asked the former NFL superstar to weigh in on Zeke as the RB fights to reduce his 6-game suspension. George was an Ohio State legend just like Elliott ... but unlike Elliott, stayed out of trouble once he made it big as a pro. So ... George dropped some knowledge on Zeke -- and made it clear he's got faith Elliott can turn it around with the help of Jerry Jones and his Dallas Cowboys fam. cartoon dating gamesvirtual dating sitesarabic dating loungedating sites affiliate programsmature dating tipshardcore sex dating sitesmature singles datingwho is jim carrey datingchattanooga singles datingshy guys dating lawyers datingtelephone dating services louisianablack women and asian men datinggay mens datingdating gorgeous womendating finding internet lie online romance secret truthgay dating etiquettedating professor studentdating dimas sanonline dating in uk jewish singleageism dating italiandating site for artsy peoplesex dating in worden illinoissamberg dating dating finding keeping man secret that work worthquad cities dating servicedating get hard in playing teenaged dating lloyd wooddating and flirtwww dating personalsafrican princess datingchristian dating agency in the ukadult christian dating orientalonline dating sites ratedworld wide online datingnikki reed dating dj quallsxl dating dkwelcome to e dating services - free dating http://imdroflood.me...hp?f=3&t=313198 7xFx0EmdnNh1x6vmuTeBGu0AQhPzL75V5pvb7Kc1JQLkl1gD3ow

#6600 Guest_WilieInefe_*

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Posted 13 November 2017 - 04:42 PM

free dating chatroom SEE PROFILE HERE - NICK Jordan Posted Image > - Register and chat with the girls now - > SEE PROFILE HERE - NICK Allyson Posted Image >>>>>>>>>> Click Here To Register And See More My Other Photos SEE PROFILE HERE - NICK Cora Posted Image > Daniel Cormier says there's still a ZERO percent chance he ever becomes friends with Jon Jones ... but is actually pleading with people to take it easy on his UFC rival. D.C. joined the guys on the "TMZ Sports" TV show on FS1 to talk about the backlash Jones has been getting after his failed UFC 214 drug test ... and while he doesn't ever wanna be buds, Cormier says the critics need to look at the bigger picture. "When people are at their complete lowest, you gotta be careful with kicking them, because that's when stuff goes much bigger than sport," Cormier says. "This dude has a family to worry about, and I mean ... God, man. What if this guy goes off the deep end? And then he's not there in the most important situations in life."Kareem Abdul-Jabbar says parents like LaVar Ball are bad for college basketball -- because they're turning the NCAA into a "huckster show." KAJ was expressing his disdain for 1-and-done college players during an interview with 97.5 The Fanatic when he specifically went in on Lonzo Ball's father. "Everybody knows about his sons because he has been able to hype them. But I don't think that's good for college basketball." He continued, "College basketball is starting to look like a ... it doesn't look good. It looks like it's a huckster show. And that bothers me, you know. You have people going those lengths to promote their kids. I don't get it. "Faizon Love is getting off easy for his brutal beatdown of an airport valet ... as long as he's on his best behavior for a while. The comedian and actor pled no contest to misdemeanor assault, and got a suspended sentence of 180 days in the county jail -- meaning that WILL be his punishment if he gets in trouble again over the next 2 years. He was also fined $500. the "Couples Retreat" and "Elf" star absolutely manhandled the valet at Columbus International airport back in March.Kareem Abdul-Jabbar opened up his wallet to take Kathy Griffin out to a dinner Tuesday night -- to thank the comic for writing his "I'm Michael Jordan" joke at the Democratic National Convention. Turns out, the two have been friends for a while (they met at the Chris Matthews show) ... and Kathy says she offered up the assist when it came to punching up KAJ's DNC speech. You know the joke ... Kareem walks out and says, "Hi I'm Michael Jordan ... I said that because I know Donald Trump couldn't tell the difference." After the thank you dinner, Kathy raved about the NBA legend -- and gave the plate-by-plate breakdown on what he had to eat. It's pretty funny."American Idol" has backed itself into a corner, because it might need to delay taping until it lands more judges ... but that doesn't work for the only judge it's got so far -- Katy Perry. Our 'Idol' sources tell us ... Thursday is the last stop for the show's tour bus auditions, and it's just weeks away from the planned taped auditions with the judges. Problem is -- producers are no closer to locking down stars to join Katy on the panel. So the dilemma is simple and serious -- if the show's forced to postpone filming, it will likely conflict with Perry's Witness tour schedule producers worked so hard to accommodate in the first place. Adding to the dilemma ... 'A.I.' still hasn't signed desired judge #2, Luke Bryan. We're told he wants more money, and the Disney perks he was offered instead of cash didn't cut it. 'Idol's' no closer to landing the 3rd judge. foreign women datingdating do\x27s don\x27tsdating sim 3free online couple datingolder for younger datingdating nigerian scammers adult baby dating serviceladies dating servicefree online dating websitesnational datingorlando dating servicesdating match servicedating and romance photofree senior dating sitenoel jones datinginternet dating and scambible dating does sayadult angeles dating local losgomas datingboy meets girl speed datingfree no cost at all cheating wives dating site advice on dating a filipinadating directory online site submitwheh did sibylle szaggars and robert redford start datingtop international datingnewest dating personals on the internetjohn krasinksi datingminisha lamba datingtips for dating younger mandating directory latin photokellan and ashley datingfrench dating serviceswomen dating serviceis interracial dating a sin100 free online dating australiafender dating http://www.sourceche...e-mejia-dating/ 7xFx0EmdnNh1x6vmuTeBGu0AQhPzL75V5pvb7Kc1JQLkl1gD3ow

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